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Movement Terms

Tanisia Smith

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right lateral flexion pushing of a part forward in a horizontal plane
internal ends bent inward; angulation of a part of the body inward toward the midline
extension ends bent outward; angulation of a part of the body outward from the midline
deep closer to the trunk, or point of origin
adduction relating to the middle, center, or midline
plantar flexion sequence of movements that turn or pivot the part through an arc, making a complete circle
external left
supination partially turning the axial body part in an arc around a central axis to the right (a transverse plane movement)
circumduction higher than; above
depression partially turning the axial body part in an arc around a central axis toward the midline of the body (a transverse plane movement)
flexion an inside surface/inside part of the body
inversion extension beyond normal extension, or extension that moves farther out of the anatomic position
inferior the outside surface of the body
valgus movement of the foot downward (also called flexion)
levo inside or away fromthe surface
superior behind/in the rear of
right rotation on or to the side, outside, away from the midline
protraction movement toward the midline (a frontal plane movement)
lateral rotation the opposite side
proximal movement of the forearm at the radioulnar joing that turns the palm posteriorly
pronation movement away from the midline (a frontal plane movement)
medial rotation movement of the axial body to the left (a frontal plane movement)
abduction partially turning the axial body part in an arc around a central axis away from the midline of the body (a transverse plane movement)
left lateral flexion an increase in the angle between two bones
dorsiflexion moving a part upward (superiorly)
superficial movement of the sole of the foot outward, away from the midline
volar moving a part downward (inferiorly)
posterior (dorsal) movement of the axial body to the right (a frontal plane movement)
lateral movement of the head upward (may also be called extension)
distal the same side
retraction partially turning the axial body part in an arc around a central axis to the left (a transverse plane movement)
left rotation a decrease in the angle between two bones
contralateral the palm side of the hand
hyperextension lower than; below
varus movement of the forearm at the radioulnar joing that turns the palm anteriorly
eversion left
medial pulling back of a part in a horizontal plane
sinistral (sinistro) In front of/towards the front
elevation toward or on the surface
ipsilateral right
anterior (ventral) movement of the sole of the foot inward, toward the midline
dextral (dextro) farther from the trunk, or point of origin

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