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AP Bio 1

Angie Despain

Made this to help me study for my AP Bio exam coming up. Anyone can feel free to use it!

symport jelly-like substance found in Cnidarians
polarcovalent Some traits are the result of the interaction of many genes (2)
peptide another name for condensation reaction (2)
IncompleteDominance bond formed between 2 amino acids
Degreesoffreedom gene that produces the repressor molecule
catastrophism process in which light energy is used to make ATP
fibrous water always flows INTO this type of solution
glyceraldehydephosphate a restriction enzyme that recognizes the same strand of DNA as another enzyme but cuts at a different place
allostoriccontrol attraction formed between two oppositely charged atoms (2)
COOH Three-carbon sugar produced after three turns of the Calvin Cycle (2)
homologous Crossing an unknown genotype with a homozygous recessive organism to determine the unknown genotype.
quaternary a molecule that has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions
pieiotrophy random change in allele frequencies over generations; brought about by chance alone
uniformitarianism Molecule that is converted to 2 atp during electron transport
rubp number of electrons the second energy level can hold.
goodnessoffit solution that has less solute than the solution on the other side of a membrane
rflp one of the components of water potential-always a negative value(2)
hypertonic a form of endocytosis in which liquids are brought inside of the cell
stroma when one gene affects many phenotypes
albedo a severe reduction in population size brought about by intense selection pressure of some natural calamity (2)
geneticbottleneck space inside the thylakoid
Epistasis cartilage, bone, and tendon are made up of this type of protein.
ecologicalisolation carbon dioxide combines to form this in C4 plants (2)
comparativemorphology gradual accumulation of differences in gene pools of populations or sub populations of a species after a geographic barrier arises and separates them (2)
Backcross Old idea that living organisms come from nonliving matter
ionicbond acronym for DNA fingerprint
Polygenicinheritance molecule that is recycled during the Kreb's cycle (ionized form)
hypotonic On a Chi-Square chart, this value is always one less than the number of terms in the test (3)
analogous structures that have a similar function yet differ significantly in development
amphipathic condition in which two different molecules are transported through a membrane in the same direction at the same time
pinocytosis bond formed in which electrons spend more time in some areas of the orbital than others (2)
operon structures taht have a different function yet are similar in development
pressurepotential When one gene affects the expression of another gene
photophosphorylation all the genes on one chromosome make up this (2)
Spontaneousgeneration infoldings of the inner mitochondrial wall
eight Chi-Square test measures this (3)
cristae value determined by dividing the distance a pigment traveled by the distance the solvent traveled
chemiosmosis the belief that major changes in earth occurred very slowly
fadhtwo name for light that is reflected back into atmosphere
geneticdrift point on a strand of DNA where RNA plymerase attaches to begin transcription
pyruvicacidoxidation one of the components of water potential. Always a positive value
substratelevel phosphorylation that occurs without oxygen (2)
Covalent process in which protons move through ATP synthase from an area of higher concentration (thylakoid) to an area of lower concentration (stroma)
dehydrationsynthesis Bond formed when electrons are shared between two atoms
lumen fluid surrounding the thylakoids
xanthophyll has P700 as its reactive chlorophyll (2)
oxaloaciticacid the belief that major changes in the earth occurred by rapid, violent events
solutepotential White x Red = Pink (2)
rf the systematic study of similarites and differences in the body plans between major groups (2)
regulator infoldings of the inner mitochondrial wall
fixation preparatory step before pyruvic acid can enter the Kreb's cycle (3)
oxaloacetate gene system that controls the turning on and off of genes
geneticdivergence Five-carbon sugar that combines with additional carbon in Calvin cycle
isoschizomer when populations are adapted to different microenvironments in the same habitat (2)
mesoglea activation or inhibition of an enzyme by combining with another substance somewhere other than the active site (2)
granum Carboxyl group found in all amino acids
chordae accessory plant pigment
promoter when two peptides combine to form a protein; level of organization.
linkagegroup a stack of thylakoids
photosystemone only one kind of allele remains at a certain locus in the population and all individuals are homozygous

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