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Avian Anatomy

Sheila Morales

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feathers similar to the internal cross bracing found in bones
back birds inhale and exhale ? to move each breath
sweat birds are designed for quick ?
sacs Birds are designed for quick ?, thereby keeping them light
avain Birds will sometimes swallow ? to help with digestion
larger Birds eat a lot because they need a lot of ? to fly
humerus a place which stores and moistens the bird's food
pectorals deliver oxygen-rich blood to the bird's muscles
major many bird bones are ?
keratin grinds the bird's food to make it more easily digested
thin plumage
girders birds do not have ? glands in their respiratory system
sand air ? collect the air that the birds breathe
muscles birds have air ?, that are like tiny tubes in which air flows thru
energy birds don't have strong ? muscles
hollow most powerful bird muscles
arteries pertaining to birds
excretion skull bones of birds are very ?
capillaries delivers oxygen-poor blood to the heart
sternum without these powerful things, birds couldn't fly
gizzard breastbone of bird, similar to a ship's keel
digestion Pectoralis ? muscles lowers the bird's wings in flight
crop a tendon is attached to the Pect. minor and ?, which raises bird's wings
veins this along with struts of bone, makes up bird's bill
twice bird's hearts are much ? in relation to its body size

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