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fundamentals of genetics

coryna clark

words from chapter 9

genetics _________ dominance; one allele was completely dominant over another.
jumping means plants that are pure for a specific trait.
codominance what mcclintock was trying to lable the 10 chromosomes of.
probability law of ___________ assortment; states that factors for different characteristics are distributed to gametes independently.
heterozygous __________ genes; mcclintock believe cause differences to appear in a plant's offspring.
monohybrid occurs when pollen grains produced in the anthers are transferred to the stigma.
pure the transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring.
genotype DNA and proteins in a coiled, rod-shaped form that occurs durring cell division.
recessive male reproductive parts of a flower.
cross-pollination plants that are _______ for a trait always produce offspring with that trait.
spring test in which an individual of unknown genotype is crossed with a homozygous recessive individual.
incomplete occurs when both alleles for a gene are expressed in a heterozygous offspring.
phenotype occurs when pollen is transferred from the anthers of a flower to the stigma of either the same flower or a flower on the same plant.
homozygous parental generation.
F1-generation cold __________ harbor; where mcclintock presented her discovery at a meeting of scientists from around the world.
molecular mendels factors are now called this.
phenotypic law of ___________; states that a pair of factors is separated during the formation of gametes.
traits offspring of the parental generation.
alleles the latin term for heredity meaning heirship.
anthers when the two alleles in the pair are different.
complete female reproductive parts of a flower.
barbara __________ ratio; the ratio of the offsprings' phenotypes.
chromosome ________ratio; the ratio of the genotypes that appear in offspring.
stigma __________ cross; a cross between individuals that involves two pairs of contrasting traits.
F2-generation the actual name mcclintock gave to the "jumping genes".
independent __________ factor; factor that has no observable effect on an organism's appearance.
gregor a category within which alternate characteristics can be observed.
maize ___________ genetics; the study of the structure and function of chromosomes and genes.
color self pollinated plants from the offspring of the parental generation.
heredity the genetic makeup of an organism.
testcross _______ square; used in predicting the probability that certain traits will be inherited by offspring.
dominant the appearance of an organism as a result of its genotype.
segregation __________ dominance;occurs when two or more alleles influence the phenotype, resulting in a phenotype intermediate between the dominant trait and the recessive trait.
strain ___________mendel; entered a monastery in brunn, austria at the age of twenty one.
hereditas __________ mcclintock; a graduated student of cornell university
P1-generation the likelihood that a specific event will occur.
genotypic when both alleles of a pair are alike.
pollination the field of biology devoted to understanding how characteristics are transmitted from parents to offspring.
dihybrid ________ cross; a cross between individuals that involves one pair of contrasting traits.
punnett reproduction that involves flowers of two separate plants.
physiology mcclintock won the nobel prize for this in 1983.
transposons __________ factor; factor for a specific charactistic.
self-pollination "jumping genes" alter this in corn.

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