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Veronica Diaz

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immunology protein converted to thrombin in the coagulation process
triglycerides medical care that does not meet a reasonable standard and results in harm
negligence presence of pathogenic microorganisms
coagulation elevated levels indicate severe liver disorders
antiseptic blood vesel carrying deoxygenated blood from the tissues to the heart
cryoprecipitate elevated levels indicate intoxication
accreditation the study of the immune system
heparin procedure that detects the presence of microorganisms
alcohol determines the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells
neonatal portion of a sample
coumadin elevated levels indicate pancreatitis
reticulocyte the study of microorganisms
gauge documentation assuring that an individual has met certain professional standards
antimicrobial failure to perform duties according to accepted standards
hematoma primary sugar in the body
bevel circulating protein converted to fibrin in the coagulation process
aseptic pertaining to the first 4 weeks after birth
serology tube inserted into the body for injecting or withdrawing fluids
vein the study of bacteria
microorganism protein produced by exposure to antigen
culture blood fats
fibrin area of the needle point that has been cut on a slant
fistula substance that destroys or inhibits the growth of microorganisms
malpractice principles of personal and professional conduct
aerobe permanent surgical connection between an artery and a vein
antibody the study of serum
prothrombin one-cell microorganism
cholesterol process by which a program or institution documents meeting established guidelines
erythrocytes protein substance produced in the coagulation process to form the foundation of a clot
ethics free of contamination by microorganisms
pediatric pertaining to the treatment of children
urinalysis major blood lipid
hemoglobin determines the volume of red blood cells
edema conduct and qualities that portray a professional
thrombin red blood cells
lipemic developing red blood cell
sepsis component of fresh plasma that contains clotting factors
aliquot the physical,chemical, and microscopic analysis of urine
antigen state of equilibrium in the body
hematology written evidence
glucose discoloration produced by leakage of blood into the tissues
hematocrit anticoagulant monitored by the prothrombin time
lipase platelets
differential microorganism that does not survive in oxygen
hemolysis substance that destroys or inhibits the growth of microorganisms
bacteriology study of the formed (cellular) elements of the blood
certification evaluates the overall process of hemostasis
fibrinogen white blood cell
catheter microorganism requiring oxygen to survive
enzyme protein that initiates chemical reactions
homeostasis pertaining to turbitity from lipids
bacteria one-cell organism such as bacteria,fungus,parasite,or virus
documentation enzyme that converts fibrinogen to fibrin
thrombocytes another name for antibody
professionalism determines the percentage of different types of blood cells
anaerobe destruction of red blood cells
ammonia anticoagulation monitored by the activated partial thromboplastin time
leukocyte accumulation of fluid in the tissues
microbiology unit of measure assigned to the diameter of a needle
immunoglobulin supbstance that stimulates the formation of antibodies

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