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Life Science

Mrs. Frey

How well do you know life science?

Ovary The goo inside a cell that holds everything together
Water A process of cell division that makes sex cells
Meiosis The part of the flower that becomes a fruit
Tuber The organelle involved in photosynthesis
Germination A device used to predict offspring features
Genome The process of pollen being transferred from one flower to another
Pollination A part of the plant where the plant stores extra sugars
Mitochondria The organized version of DNA
Prokaryote The fusing of an egg and a sperm to make a new organism
Tropism The building blocks of protein
Chloroplast The process of a plant first starting to grow from a seed
Cytosine One of the things needed for photosynthesis
Cytoplasm The part of the seed that provides food to the growing plant
sex linked A cell with no nucleus
Homozygous The organelle that converts sugar to energy
Punnnett Square The base pair that always pairs with Guanine
cell membrane The male sex cell
Fertilization The response of a plant to a stimulus
Amino acids A trait that is found on the sex chromosome
Recessive All of your chromosomes put together
Chromosome In a flower, this contains the male sex cell
Stamen During mitosis, this needs to dissolve
nuclear membrane The "weaker" version of a trait
Endosperm All the male parts of the flower put together
Sperm A part of the cell that ALL cells have
Pollen When you have two identical copies of a gene

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