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Robert Lewis

To assist students undertaking ITEC Diplom in SPorts Massage

supinator Extends the knee
gluteusmedius originates at C6/7, braces and rotates scapula
flexorcarpiradialis Quadratus Lumborum (Abb)
concentric contraction with muscles shortening as the fibres contract
bursa circular movement
palmarislongus Inserts into the ulna tuberoisty
brachialis Inserts into superior angle of scapula
ligaments Muscles that run the length of medial border of femur
peroneuslongus Otherwise known as the rowers muscle
ql Pronates foot and assists in plantaflexion
rhomboidminor Initates shoulder abduction
tensorfascialata Rectus Abdominus origniates here
slowtwitch Weak elbow extensor
vastuslateralis Extends and rotate head
iliacus Muscle has three parts, part of which stabilises the scapula
sartorius Originates at 3-5th ribs
lavatorscapula Muscle responsible for abducting the hand
flexion Plantaflexes and inverts the foot
coracobrachialis Inserts in Gt trochanter of femus and part flex and inwardly rotates hip
trapezius Inflammation of the tendon
pectoralisminor Abducts hip and slight flexion and inward rotation
tendonitis Originates on the anterior surface of the scapula
piriformis Plantaflexes the foot
latissimusdorsi Originates in the anterior, superior iliac spine and part flexes hip
anterior A sack like structure filled with synovial fluid
soleus Haematoma in muscle injuries, contained within the muscle compartment
adductors Muscle fibres suited to producing lower levels of speed over a sustained period
sleniuscapitus Decreasing the inner angle of the joint
semimembranosus Draws the arm forward and inward
intramuscular Flexes knee, inwardly rotates it when flexed and extends hip
subscapularis One of the hip flexors
anconeous Moving away from the midline of the body
isometric Outwardly roates and abducts the hip
circumduction Origin of Gracilis
deltoid Muscle that flexes wrist and fingers
supraspinatus 3 headed muscle, part of which responsible for abducting the arm
abduction When a muscle maintains the same length as tension develops
lowerpubis Connects bone to bone
tibialisposterior Supinates the forearm
pubiccrest Towards the front of the body

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