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Things are Starting to Heat Up!

Darlena Yin

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Dispersive __________ __________ are bonds between molecules.
freezing A __________ __________ shows the temperature vs. time for a substance where energy is added at a constant rate.
phase diagram What type of intermolecular force holds non-polar molecules together?
melting __________ occurs when a gas forms into a liquid.
Dipole dipole When ice melts into water, it is visible that __________ has occured.
vapor pressure When ice is __________, a phase change occurs.
boiling The particles of a __________ slide past each other and take the shape of its container.
specific heat What happens to high energy particles that approach the surface?
deposition A solid made up of ions held together primarily by their electrostatic is called an __________ __________ ?
Heat Vaporization A solid that has the properties of a metal is called a __________ __________.
solid __________ __________ is the energy of motion, observable as the movement of an object, particle, or set of particles.
sublimation A substance that consists of individual molecules held together in the solid by relatively weak intermolecular bonds is called a __________ __________.
Evaporation A __________ __________ is an atomic solid containing strong directional covalent bonds.
phase change __________ __________ is energy stored in an object waiting to be used.
molecular solid The __________ __________ holds together H, N, O, and F atoms.
metallic solid The particles of a __________ move freely and bounce off one another.
gas What is liquid water freezing into a solid piece of ice and example of?
Potential energy What is the point at which the substance cannot liquify anymore? (also known as the point of no return)
normal melting point What phase change does a gas go through to change directly into a solid?
Hydrogen bond The __________ point of water is at zero degrees Celcius.
critical point The higher the __________ __________ of a liquid at a given temperature, the lower the normal boiling point.
intermolecular forces __________ occurs when the gas pressure equals the atmospheric pressure.
ionic solid The particles that make up a __________ vibrate in place and create a definite shape.
Heat fusion Whan there's a change in state, there is no change in __________.
kinetic energy __________ __________ is the amount of energy a substance needs to change from a liquid to a gas state and vice versa.
heat curve A substance's __________ __________ determines how fast of how slow it cools or heats up.
network solid What type of intermolecular force holds polar molecules together?
temperature Stronger forces between molecules require a greater amount of __________ to separate.
triple point A __________ __________ shows different phases at different temperatures.
condensation __________ __________ is the amount of energy needed to change a substance from a soild to a liquid and vice versa.
liquid The __________ __________ is where all 3 phases of matter are at equilibrium.
normal boiling point The __________ __________ __________ is the temperature at which the liquid and gas have a vapor pressure equal to 1 atm.
heat The __________ __________ __________ is the temperature at which the solid and liquid have a vapor pressure equal to 1 atm.

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