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chemistry: chapters 2,4 (matter and atoms)

Mr. Blevins

review of notes on chapters 2 and 4.

Gold Foil Experiment horizontal rows are called
heterogeneous ___________properties can be observed without destroying a substance.
solution alpha particles are
chemical properties Proposed the first scientific model of the atom.
electron two or more substances physically blended
chemical Rutherford's famous experiment
protons electrons Observing a ____________________property always changes a substance into a new substance.
physical these have about the same mass
element not uniform throughout
mixture same element with different numbers of neutrons
chemical change the three subatomic particles.
isotopes vertical columns are called
properties protons plus neutrons
Plum pudding model arranges elements in order of increasing atomic number
extensive the smallest part of an element that retains its identity
empty space says that in any chemical reaction the mass of the reactants and products must be the same
Democritus Rutherford discovered that atoms have a ___________
atomic number a difference in _____________is used to separate a mixture.
JJ thomson Rutherford's nuclear model did not account for this
Robert Millikan producing a gas, color change, emitting heat or light,
physical properties made of two or more elements
periodic table The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called the
proton neutron electron __________________discovered the electron.
John Dalton Dalton viewed atoms as ______________
compound contains only one type of atoms
atom a ____________can be separated chemically into its elements.
periods all elements in a vertical column have similar
compound Dalton said atoms of different atoms combine in ___________________ratios to form compounds.
Law of Conservation of Mass determined the mass of the electron
hard spheres In a neutral atom the number of _________________equals the number of ____________________.
atomic mass first suggested that atoms exist
intensive 1/1800 the mass of a proton
helium nuclei Thomson's model of the atom
nucleus a homogenous mixture is also know as a _______.
small whole number Atoms are mostly ________________
proton neutron _____________________physical properties depend only on the type of matter.
groups ________________physical properties depend only on the amount of matter.

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