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COM 230 Exam Review

Amy, Angela, Jessica

Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4

metatheory ____ feedback occurs when your teacher says "good job, keep up the good work!"
parsimony criterion for evaluating theory, refers to simplicity of explanation provided by the theory
concepts a system cannot be fully comprehended by studying individual parts in isolation from one another
deductive the social world consists of names and labels used to construct reality
intercultural _____ theory is one of resistance to persuasion
interpretive _____ concepts are observable
grand an example of a cue to action
interdependence a theory that explains behavior of a specific group of people within a specified time or context
midrange questions about how we know things
positivistic the role of values in theory development
innoculation theory induced from data collection and analysis in a study
coding intellectual traditions that ground specific theories
concrete approach stressing the researcher's responsibility to change the inequities in the status quo
negative communication organization that traces its roots to the national association of academic teachers of public speaking
rules approach that assumes the existence of objective reality and value-neutral research
selfefficacy converting raw data to a category system
transactional theory about how to develop theory
population intentional choice responses
linear model of communication based on the sharing of meaning with feedback that links source and receiver
wholeness _____ research generates knowledge
paradigms belief in the tangible and psychological costs of action
noise the nature of reality
actions all of the people in a specific category
axiology model of communication based on assumption that message is sent by source to receiver through a channel
reminder variable that is presumed to have effects on another variable
pure approach that views truth as subjective and stresses participation of researcher in the research process
ontology arbitrary label given to a phenomenon
nca logic that moves from general to specific
interactional criterion for evaluating theories, refers to breadth of communication behaviors coverd in the theory
nominal another small dose of a message to give more support to an argument
susceptibility this type of theory does not exist in the field of communication
depth perceived ______ is the first step in the health belief model
real interviews that are semi-structured or unstructured, lasting at least one hour, aimed at collecting rich descriptions from respondents
critical distortion in channel, not intended by source
barrier criterion for evaluating theories, refers to theory's usefulness
symbol labels for the most important elements in a theory
independent _____ approach is a metatheoretical framework suggesting that theories should follow a format that lists rules in given contexts and should acknowledge variability across situations, cultures, and time
scope confidence in one's ability to take action
ethnography a specific research method where researchers immerse themselves in participants' lives, aiming to describe people's culturally distinct patterns of communication
epistomology a model of communication based in the simultaneous sending and receiving of messages
utility a symbol that represents an object
grounded when two people with different cultural backgrounds interact, they are performing ____ communication
booster a property of systems theory, stating that elements of system are interrelated

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