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Suez Canal

Stefan Bauer

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loan The country where the canal is in.
trenches One of the citys on the canals ports.
Anwar Sadat Is a country that did not want the canal for Egypt.
merchandice Second king of Egypt.
army where things that csailed across the canal.
Suez City The northern port on the suez canal.
tradeoff Used to transport merchandice over water.
king Faroqu The capitol of Egypt.
suez company are digged and the filled with water.
muzlim brother hood Was the kings son who aloud the build of the canal.
Egypt The ruler of a set place.
britain Ptolemys daughter and a pharaoh.
assasination From each country to protect the suez canal.
india this happend too many slaves.
peace troops money that is lent to someone with an interest.
bankrupt the people who wanted the canal built most.
slaves one good thing and one bad thing.
ships Is where the ships stay.
cairo the company who had the canal.
Said new stuff that makes it easier too do some things.
Canal Took over Egypt and ruled.
harbor The force that is used in all the wars.
king king of Egypt that got assasinated.
port said from this country the peacemakers came.
Nasser a thing to stop water from overflowing and for power.
france something that is to be sold.
death the egyptian builder and pharaoh.
steam bots many of these died in the build of the canal.
Cleopatra a new type of boat that uses steam.
technology The killing of one person in particular.
ptolemy When a country has no more money.
canada the place where everyone wanted to sell stuff.
dam an extremest groop who killed anwar sadat.

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