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Egypt Vocabulary and People

Kevin Tidwell

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Expedition the world's largest river, which flows northward through East Africa into the Mediterrian sea.
Thebes New Kingdom pharoh who drove the Hyksos out of the Nile Delta and reunited Egypt.
Ahmose a mixture of tiny bits of soil and rock.
Silt an ancient Egyptian name for an area of Africa south of Egypt.
Upper Egypt an ancient city in Upper Egypt that became the capital of the New Kingdom.
Nubia an ancient kingdom south of Egypt.
Irregation the word pharaoh actually refers to the
Hieroglyphics The watering of land by means of canals or pipes.
Memphis a professional writer who kept records and copied letters and official documents
Nile River the northern part of Ancient Egypt.
Menes a group of people who go on a trip for a specific reason.
Delta the practice of one owning another person.
Economy the ancient Egyption system of writing thet used symbols to stand for objects, ideas, or sound.
Punt the joining of seprate parts into one.
Slavery a kind of paper made from papryrus, a reed plant growing along the Nile, thet the Ancient Egyptians used for writing.
Hatshepsut west of Thebes in ancient Egypt, the burial place of 30 New Kingdom pharoahs.
Kush capital of Egypt's Old Kingdom, located on the Nile near present-day Cairo.
Empire the economy of a country is the way people manage money and resources for the production.
Lower Egypt an ancient kingdom in northeastern Africa, conquered by Egypt. It later regained independence and flourished through trade between c. 500 B.C. and A.D. 150.
Khufu Egyptian pharoh who built the Great Pyramid.
Papryrus the southern part of Ancient Egypt.
Scribe a very fertile, flat land made of silt left behind as a river drains.
Social Pyramid a diagram illustrating the divisions within a culture; usually showing the most powerful person or group at the peak and the least powerful group at the bottom.
Unification one of the few people Egyptian pharaohs; orginize a trade expedition to Egypt's southern neighbor, Punt.
Pharaoh a group of lands and peoples ruled by one government.
Valley of kings king of Upper Egypt who united Upper and Lower Egypt.

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