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James and the Giant Peach

Pragashnie Govender

words that are used in James and the Giant peach and also description of the silkworm that appears in the book.

Overwhelmed sadly wishful or expectant of something
Ancient A stage between molts in the life cycle of certain insects
Wistfully The third stage of metamorphosis
Pupa Something that is strange or unusual
Desolate Full of shedding light, radiant
Screeching Having a sensation of whirling and twirling with a tendency to fall or stagger
Ramshackle A collection of small bubbles in liquid due to shaking
Luminous A small patch of light or colour
Spellbound Pleasant,enjoyable, aesthetically pleasing
Instar Delicately pretty
Froth People make expensive clothes from this.
Larva Horrible, frightly unpleasant
Exoskeleton Boil or bubble over
Cocoon A covering made from silky thread.
Molt A large extinct elephant
Giddy A complete loss of hope, no hope
Mammoth Spins cocoons around their bodies to become pupas
Ghastly Miserably left alone
Peculiar Emitting rays of light
Flecks Tumbledown or rickety.
Despair To bind as if in a spell
Beautous Description of the soft fleshy part of the fruit
Seething A hard, bony outer covering of the outside of an animal
Musty To shed an outer covering so that a new one can grow
Scrabbling Harsh, high pitched scream
Metamorphosis To be overpowered with emotions
Pulpy Groping to find, or hold on to something
Silk Distructive growth of fungi in damp areas
Dainty Something very, very old
Mildewed Of a mouldy, stale smell or taste
Radiant The change of forms some animals go through

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