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China's Culture and people

Alanna Diggs

Complete the puzzle. Use no spaces.

dynasty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a method of keeping vegtables crunchy.
rights The U.K. and other countries forced China to trade thier silk,_ _ _,and pottery
rulers About _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _% of these people belong to the Han Chinese
calligraphy For 4,000 years_ _ _ _ _ _ called emperors or empresses governed China.
ninteytwo People should live simply in harmony with nature
onefith lines of ruler from a single family
rural About 460 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people live in the cities.
ink This 2,200 year old building was used to protect China
craft China is famous for its traditional _ _ _ _.
exile Chinese _ _ _ _ _ workers make bronze bowls, jade jewlery,silk,fine porcelain, and pottery.
arts _ _ _ _ _was once seperatre form China.
learning Basic freedom and rights are called human_ _ _ _ _ _
stirfrying Chinese thinkers believed that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _was the key to good behavior
Tibet Most people live in _ _ _ _ _ places.
tea .China's population is _ of the world.
nationalists Over time Chinese mixed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Daoism, and Kongfuzi's ideas
Great WallofChina Chinese use paper and_ _ _before people in other parts of the world
million General Chiang Kai-shek led the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Daoism The art of beautiful writing
Buddhism Someone not able to live in thier own country because of political beliefs.

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