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German Unification

Christopher Pedicone

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Em's dispatch This movement was gaining power and seen as a threat to the "New Germany" by Bismarck
France What the newly unified germany is called
Bismarck _____'s throne was vacant and was one of the causes uf the Franco-Prussian War
Bundesrat Prussia declared war on________ in 1866
Holstein Ruler of France__________ III
Reichstag Territory captured from Denmark by Austria later taken from Austria by Prussia
Socialism ______was defeated by Prussia in 1870
Iron Chancellor This war was between France and Prussia
Kulturkamph Territory captured from Denmark and administered by Prussia
Germany Under Bismarck, Germany became a pioneer of social________
August Thyssen Telegram which Bismarck edits in an inflammatory way
Kaiser In 1862 King William I made him chancellor of Prussia
Napoleon Otto von Bismark's nickname
Shleswig This is the upper house and is appointed by the german rulers
Second reich Country formed by the german provinces
Spain William I of Prussia takes this title
reform Businessman who founded a steel mill which grew to employ 50,000 workers
Franco- Prussian War Man who turned his family's business into the "Arsenal of the World"
Austria Bismarck launched the ________in an effort to ensure the catholic's loyalty to the state over the church
Alfred Krupp This is the lower house appointed by male suffrage

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