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Greek Mythology Review

Mrs. Amyot

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charon the first woman created to punish man
zeus spirit of mortals, taken to the underworld
box name given to Zeus and his siblings
pomegranate misty area of the underworld with weeping trees
hades creator of animals, gave away the best survival skills
immortal goddess who rules over nature and crops
phaethon king of the gods
uranus goddess of wisdom
epimetheus father of Cronus
cronus where all of the world's troubles were kept until it was opened
persephone his her son, Zeus, to save his life
heracles creator of mankind, stole fire from Zeus
titans god of the son
clay work of art torn in a jealous rage
athena quality of a god or goddess
shade turned into a spider to weave forever
poseidon 3 headed dog who guarded the gates of the underworld
tapestry ginat creatures defeated by Zeus ad his siblings
rhea underworld region of pain and suffereing for those wrongdoers
cerebus unwillingly married to Hades
fieldsofasphodel seeds that forced Persephone to stay in the underworld
prometheus mortal warrior in all areas but his heel
tartarus messenger god
demeter would row a boat across the river Styx
hermes ruler of the underworld
pandora where the Greeks would seek to find the future
chariot substance used to create man
achilles how the sun was carried through the sky
oracle son who wanted to follow in his father's footsteps
olympians god of the waters
apollo brave warrior but had an awful temper
arachne god who ate his children in fear

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