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Nuclear Medicine

William Brooks

Principle of Nuclear Medicine

beta emission as low as reasonably achievable
purity macro aggregated albumin
milking this element same molecular properties as alpha
parent used to produce short lived radionuclides
internal conversion process of converting one element into another
electron capture half life of 2.8 days
generator same number of protons
thin layer chromatography the simplest of all atoms; also called a protium
atom same number of neutrons
MAA thallium decays by this method
frequency this radioisotope has a half-life of 78 hours
exametazime process of removal of an electron from an atom
phtoelectric this product is produced by an accelerator (cyclotron) or is a by-product of nuclear fission
helium A.K.A. white blood cells
radiopharmaceutical this process is used to assess a drug's safety and effectiveness before making it available to the public
pair production positron emission tomography
compton linear energy transfer
isotope same mass number
Indium occurs in the inner most shell
RAD specific ionization
half value layer the distance from the top of a wave to a subsequent wave
gallbladder number of waves per unit time
hydrogen method of separating different substances through the use of a solvent passing over a stationary phase
LET radiation produced outside the nucleus
IND a negatively charged particle
transmutation thickness of any particular material necessary to reduce the intensity of radiation to half of its normal value
PET occurs in the outer most shell, resulting in secondary radiation
NRC .15 uCi of Mo99 per one mCi of Tc99 in a generator eluat
biological half life radiation absorbed dose
Bremsstrahlung incoming photon must have an energy greater than 1.02 MeV
sulfur colloid B- and B are given off in this interaction
isobar electrons are slowed down during this process
isotone this process refers to the pulling of eluate off of a generator
gamma used to indicate that different types of radiation have different effects in humans
sestamibi an electron gets ejected from the atom
FDA time it takes for half of a radionuclide to decay
ALARA radiation that is produced inside the nucleus
ionization also known as cardiolyte
electron two .511 MeV photons
annihilation total effective dose equivalent
SI time it takes the body to get rid of radioactivity
wavelength A.K.A. HMPAO
TEDE food and drug administration
physical half life number of protons determines this product
RBE nuclear regulatory commission
gallium lidofenin, disofenin, and mebrofenin are used to image this organ
xray original radionuclide in any decay method
WBC this pharmaceutical is boiled

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