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Psychology Physiology

Alea Hunter

Psychology 4034

Peptides Brain and spinal cord
Polarization a graded depolarization
Mitochondria a rapid depolarization and slight reversal of the usual polarization
Glucose temporary hyperpolarization of a membrane
Tectum Toward the back
BBB simple sugar
SNS Toward the stomach
Neurotransmitters Chain of amino acids
Afferent Synthesizes new protein molecules
Meninges Cell bodies and dendrites
Gray Matter myelinated axons
Depolarization the chemicals that are released by one neuron at the synapse and that affect another
Tegmentum an insulating material composed of fats and proteins
CNS Information away from the structure
Synapse The nerves that convey messages from the sense organs to the CNS and from the CNS to the muscles and glands
IPSP Structure that separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment
Axon hillock Information into the structure
Dorsal Structure of the cell that performs metabolic activity
Myelin the intermediate level of the midbrain
Neurons Part of CNS found within the spinal column
Midbrain facilitates vegetative, nonemergency responses by organs
Active Transport network of thin tubes that transport newly synthesized proteins to other locations
EPSP increased polarization
Spinal Cord posterior part of brain consisting of medulla and pons, midbrain, and cerebellum
ER Prepares organs for vigorous activity
Medulla reduction of polarization
Nucleus Structure of the cell that contains the chromosomes
Ventral the mechanism that keeps most chemicals out of the vertebrate brain
Action Potential a swelling where the axon exits the soma
Pituitary a difference in electrical charge between two locations
White Matter elaborated extension of the spinal cord
Hyperpolarization the roof of the midbrain
Efferent The nerves outside the brain and spinal cord
PNS protein mediated process that expends energy to pump chemicals from the blood into the brain
Ribosomes endocrine gland attached to the base of the hypothalamus
Hindbrain membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord: dura mater, arachnoid, pia mater
Sympathetic Gap between two neurons
Membrane cells that receive information and transmit it to other cells
Parasympathetic automatic muscular response to stimuli
Reflexes the middle of the brain

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