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Southeast Asia

Ariel Cook

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Vietnam Longest river of Southeast Asia.
fertile soil economic activitie
Malaysia a strait between the islands of Borneo and Sulawesi in Indonesia.
Thailand a series of vibrations induced in the earth's crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating.
Songkhla is one of the southern provinces of Thailand.
Celebes Sea mostly populated island in southeast asia
Brunei is bordered on the north by the Sulu Archipelago and Sulu Sea and Mindanao Island of the Philippines, on the east by the Sangihe Islands chain
Gulf of Thailand an unusually large sea wave produced by a seaquake or undersea volcanic eruption.
Southeat Asia why would people livenear volcanos
Bandung Fishing is an important economic activity in this sea
Singapore The gulf is bordered by Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Mekong River is the 13th most populous country in the world.
Indonesia 2nd largest metropolitan area
Earthquake is a country that consists of thirteen states and three federal territories in Southeast Asia
Ho Chi Minh City is a large sea in the southwestern area of the Philippines
Philippines a mountain or hill, usually having a cuplike crater at the summit, formed around such a vent from the ash and lava expelled through it.
Java Sea is an island city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula
Tsunami largest urban area and primary city of Thailand.
Volcanos is a country in Southeast Asia with Manila as its capital city
Hanoi The capital is Bangkok
Indonesia the capital is Jakarta.
Bangkok s a landlocked country with a primitive infrastructure; that is, it has no railroads, a rudimentary road system, limited external and internal telecommunications, and electricity available in only a limited area
Andaman Islands the second most populous city in the Philippines
Typhoons a tropical cyclone or hurricane of the western Pacific area and the China seas.
Burma Population: 568,300,000
Sulu Sea is the largest city in Vietnam
Agriculture is a poor Asian country, with a per capita GDP of about $660
Manila the flag is yellow with two diagonal bands of white (top, almost double width) and black starting from the upper hoist side; the national emblem in red is superimposed at the center; the emblem includes a swallow-tailed flag on top of a winged column within an upturned crescent above a scroll and flanked by two upraised hands.
Jakarta a group of archipelagic islands in the Bay of Bengal
Laos is the capital and second-largest city of Vietnam.
Makassar Strait is the capital and largest city of Indonesia

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