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Gourmet Cooking Terms

D. McKenzie

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consumme The French double broiler.
roux A smooth or chunky paste made of meat or seafood.
flambe To lightly coat a food with a powdery ingredient such as flour or powdered sugar.
augratin A clear, highly seasoned broth made from meat.
baste Liquid left after simmering vegetables, meat, fish or other foods. Also means a thin soup.
garnish To cook food quickly with a small amount of fat or oil on the stove top.
alamode Any dish topped with cheese or breadcrumbs mixed with bits of butter and heated under the broiler until brown and crispy
thickeningagent To cook partially in boiling salted water or other liquid.
canape To give a glossy finish to food.
glaze To grind or mash food (often fruit or vegetables) until completely smooth using a food processor, blender orsieve.
parboil To decorate food.
bouquetgarni A light airy mixture that usually begins with a thick egg yolk-based sauce that is lightened by stiffly beaten egg whites.
julienne To plunge food into boiling water briefly, then into cold water to stop the cooking process
dust A cut of meat or fish without the bone. Also a verb meaning to cut bones from meat or fish.
broth To spoon or brush liquid or melted fat over food as it cooks; keeps food moist, adds flavor and a nice glaze.
saute Ingredient or mixture of ingredients used to thicken liquid. It may be fat and flour, cornstarch, egg yolks, grated potato...
horsdoeuvre Small decorative pieces of bread (toasted or untoasted) topped with a savory garnish such as anchovy, cheese or some type of spread
bone Food cut into thin, matchstick strips
steam To cut food into long thin pieces; method used to prepare almonds.
fillet To cook over boiling water in a covered pan. The food should not be in the liquid but above.sliver
whip To sprinkle food with liquor, warm and ignite just before serving.
pate To simmer gently in enough hot liquid to cover the food.
blanch Small savory appetizers served before a meal, often with cocktails.
ragout French word for "skewer." En brochette refers to food cooked on a skewer.
fricassee French term for a thick, rich, well-seasoned stew
sliver To remove bones from meat, fish or fowl.
souffle To hold a mixture of foods together with mayonnaise or other sauce.
bind To clear a cloudy liquid by removing the sediment. Most common is to add egg whites and/or egg shells to a liquid (such as stock). Food particles cling to the egg. The mixture is cooled and then strained.
bainmarie French for "in the manner (or mode) of" referring to the style in which a dish is prepared.
puree To beat an ingredient quickly until puffy. May be done with an egg beater, wire whisk, a fork or electric mixer.
brochette A mixture of melted fat and flour used to thicken liquid.
poach A bunch of herbs (the classic trio being parsley, thyme and bay leaf) tied together or placed in a cheesecloth bag
clarify To stir thoroughly with a spoon or egg beater. The term implies a vigorous mixing.
beat A thick chunky meat (often chicken and vegetables) stew, often flavored with wine.
carmelize To melt sugar until it turns liquid and brown.

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