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The ABC Murders by Agatha Christie

By Elizabeth Baeva

Use pencil only.

Captain Hastings The third victims profession.
Chief Inspector Japp The first victim's profession.
Crime Novel The Belgian detective udes these words as another name for his brains
Alexander Bonaparte Cust Before each victim died, they bought a pair of these from a door-to-door salesman.
Clues Mr._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'s murder didn't fit the picture
Megan Barnard The Belgian detective sometimes speaks this language in the book.
Donald Fraser The (rich) third victim.
Waitress The Belgian detective's long-time friend and assistant.
Rail The niece of the first victim.
Bexhill The third murder occured in this city.
Earlsfield The ABC _ _ _ _ Guide was left beside each murdered body.
Thora Grey The self-confessed murderer and a salesman who visited the victims shortly before their murders. His initials are A.B.C.
Archaeologist These helped with solving the murder mystery.
Andover The little, Belgian detective with and egg-shaped head and a moustache.
Sir Carmichael Clarke The jealous boyfriend of the second victim.
Betty Barnard The place where the first murder was comitted.
Typewriter The first victim's name.
Hercule Poirot The ABC letters written to the detective were written using this machine.
French The estranged husband of the first victim.
little grey cells The second victim was called _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Merchant The self-confessed murderer suffers from this.
Alphabet The attractive secretary to the third victim.
Mary Drower The sister of the second victim.
Epilepsy The town where the second murder had taken place.
Franklin Clarke This man is always one step behind the Belgian detective.
Franz Ascher The fourth and final murder happened here.
Churchston The order of which the victims were murdered.
Stockings The second victim's profession.
Alice Ascher The brother of the third victim. But was that all he was?
Doncaster The genre of this book.

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