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Huck Finn

Mr. Seiple

No description

NewOrleans Grangerfords preserved her room
Slavery Huck covers his face
SamuelClemens Sherburn or Grangerford
Emmeline Had his name in a prior novel title
TomSawyer Pulled by raft
Hamlet Author and humorist
fog Leader of the lynch mob
Sheperdsons To be or not to be play
SarahWilliams Huck's call to Tom
Buck Shows Huck "water snakes"
BuckHarkness Man shot by Sherburn
whiskey Used to tell fortunes
HuckleberryFinn Helps Pap get his placement in life
pig Part of the family feud
duke Used to help Huck escape (no DNA testing)
steamboat Fist name "Huckette" uses
MaryWilliams Thick and dense
JakePackard Jim builds one on the raft
meowmeow President of Steel City Fan Club
AuntPolly Main setting
MissWatson Tries to civilize Huck
RomeoandJuliet Twain wrote using this
canoe Doesn't speak like a cat
Sollermun Where "Huckette" is headed
Pap Floats down the river with a cadaver inside
Cairo His best friend is whiskey
cat Straight from the Indian Ocean
Harney Hidden royalty on the raft
pirate A free town that Huck and Jim miss
GeorgePeters Nobody knows why it started
MissSophia Huck hates it/ Twain criticizes it.
regionalism Man on wrecked steamboat
Boggs Original town setting
JimTurner The place "Huckette" says he's from
Jack Controls Huck's money
civilization Placed the bottom of Jim's sleeping bag
MississippiRiver Street smart "slave-aider'
rattlesnake Jim's "king"
GeorgeJackson Part of the family feud
raft Huck's first hideout
Pokeville Man on wrecked steamboat
French Mark Twain's his pseudonym
Grangerfords This novel's Juliet
feud The most adult person in the novel
cow What Twain condemns
WidowDouglas Second name "Huckette" uses
Colonel Buck shot at him
Goshen Owned Jim
JudgeThatcher Hidden royalty on the raft
Sherburn Buck misspells this fictious pseudonym
JacksonIsland City where they're headed
hairball Harney and Miss Sophia
Hookerville Cows, cats, and dauphins don't speak it
MarkTwain Shot Boggs
StPetersburg Doesn't speak like a cow
dauphin Name used when "Huckette" confesses
wigwam Huck and Jim's ride to freedom
framehouse Crushes Huck's raft
Jim Tom Sawyer's guardian
MrSeiple Place of the church revival

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