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In Our Time

Ernest Hemingway

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Bill What was the Kitty hidding under to stay dry? - "The Cat in the Rain"
Pordenone People were making ________ suffer "On the Quai At Smyrna"
Telemark "You couldn't get the women to give up their ______ babies"- On the Quai At Smyrna
Emergency Dick accuses the doctor of stealing________- "The Doctor and The Doctor's Wife"
Drunkards Where was Krebs Methodist College? - "Soldiers Home"
Reading "He was a _____, a very nice boy and very shy"- "The Revolutionist"
Magyar Where did Luz go to open a hospital?- "A Very Short Story"
Kansas Nick does not feel part of what? - "Soldiers Home"
Logs "Watch how that ______ runs" the negro warned -"The Battler"
Egg What was George doing while sitting in bed? - "The Cat in the Rain"
Funicular Doctor does an __________ c-section- "Indian Camp"
Marjorie A turn in skiing in which the skier's heels are not attatched to the ski - "Cross-Country Snow"
September How many nights was Luz on night duty? - "A Very Short Story"
Three Nick does not love ____ anymore- "The End of Something"
Indian Opening bottles makes people ______ - "The Three Day Blow"
Bugs What was Mrs. Elliots first name?
Cornelia "Out of Season" took place where?
Animals One setting of the short story- "The Doctor and The Doctor's Wife"
Fish Mr. and Mrs. Elliot tried very hard to have what? - "Mr. and Mrs. Elliot"
Baby "In the old days ____ _____ was a lumbering town"- "The End of Something"
Beach "The ________ car bucked once more and then stopped." - "Cross-Country Snow"
Italy Who said, "May I offer you a slice of bread dipped right in the hot ham fat?" - "The Battler"
Community "She screamed just as Nick and the two _____ followed his father and Uncle George into the shanty"- Indian Camp
dead Other than Nick, who is the other main character in "The Three Day Blow"
Hortons Bay They waited till tomorrow to do what? - "Out of Season"
Table What month is mentioned in "The Revolutionist"?

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