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Nick Harman

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VelcroFly The weapon Gasher weilds
DieselEngine The last stop on blaines route
Riddle Missing phrase2 - 16
CharlietheChooChoo What Eddie stands in in his dream about the Dark Tower
Fieldofroses The boy who died twice
Jawbone The thing roland carried for comfort
Winston The thing on top of the bears head
Fountain The river they must cross to reach Lud
Neon Lights The booby trap Roland Almost Trips
GunslingerBurritos Rolands Home town
SilverKey The man who kidnaps Jake
TheDarkTower What lights the Grays Base
NewYork How Oy gets in the room to save jake from the Tick Tock Man
Bus Where the grays base is
WoodenKey What replaces Charlie the Choo Choo
Wheelchair Heroin Addict
Topeka Pube who tried to kill Eddie and Susanah
Thebeam Leader of the Grays
RiddleDeDum Black Women with no legs
VenteationShaft Another stop on Blaines route
Roland What Eddie calls their normal meal
Wastelands The path to which everything bends
Bob Roland is one of these
Rocks Engineer of Carlie the Choo Choo
YellowBandanna What is waiting inside Blaine for them
Oy What silences the voices in Rolands mind
Gasher The direction of the beam
Lud Susanah's practice targets
PrimeNumbers Jakes Riddle Book
Pubes The purpose of Rolands Quest
Rose Oy is one of these
Marten The gang the Tick Tock Man leads
Blaine The secret to the riddle that must be answered to gain acess to the train
IceSculpture Where three of the travelers are from
TheFallsoftheHounds The book that tells of Blaine
Bumbler What Blane likes to do
PianoRecital Blaine goes so fast he creates one of these
Jake Where Blaine charges his battery
TickTockMan What Carlie was going to on his last run
Gilead The grays opposing gang
SonicBoom What Jake finds in the lot
Eddie What Susanah leaves behind in Lud
Southeast Where the train must be boarded
Send What the group of travelers is
SateliteDish What silences the voices in Jakes mind
Susanah What Gasher wears on his head
Candleton The mono
Grenade Song played on the loadspeakers in Lud
Gunslinger The booby trap roland trips on purpose
KATET Jakes Pet
Grays Main Character
Underground The sorcerer

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