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Baroque Era

Erin Daily

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Baroque The idea that chords rather than notes, created the sense of closure
Tonality Musical flourishes that are not necessary to the overall melodic (or harmonic) line, but serve to decorate that line
Water Music Prolific German composer and organist
Louis XIV One of the earliest works recognized as an opera, composed by Claudio Monteverdi with text by Allesandro Striggio for the annual carnival of Mantua
Gavotte Music with one melodic voice and rythmically similar accompaniment
Chamber Music Musical form sung by a soloist with the accompaniment of instruments often used in operas and oratorios
Da Capo Aria Instrumental ensemble, usually fairly large with strings, brass, woodwind sections, and possibly a percussion section as well
Bach Nicknamed the "Red Priest"
Concerto Northern city in Italy, epicenter of Baroque musical composition
Oratorio A large musical compostion including an orchestra, a choir, and soloists
Baroque Music German born composer famous for his operas, oratorios, and concerto grossi
Fugue Became popular in the court of Louis XIV where Jean-Baptiste Lully was the leading court composer
Coucil of Trent Collection of orchestral movements, often considered as three suites, composed by George Frederic Handel
Scarlatti English composer who wrote
Basso Continuo First person to use the term "Baroque Music" in 1919
Handel A kind of integer musical notation used to indicate intervals, chords, and non-chord tones, in relation to a bass note which was used in almost all genres of music in the Baroque period
Monody King of France during the Baroque period
Rococo A French composer of Italian birth, who spent most of his life working in the court of Louis XIV of France
Opera Type of musical work which typically employs a solo instrument accompanied by an orchestra
Orchestra Italian Baroque composer especially famous for his operas and chamber cantatas he is considered the founder of the Nepolitan School of Opera
Florence Camerata Turn of the 17th century in Rome that was exemplified by drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur
Arcangelo Corelli The phase between late Baroque and the early Classical era, with its broad mixture of competing ideas and attempts to unify the different demands of taste, economics, and world view
Homophony An era and a set of styles of European classical music which were in widespread use approximately between 1600 and 1750
Ornamentation An influential Italian violoinist and composer of influential Baroque music
Orfeo Music for one melodic voice with accompaniment, characteristic of the early 17th century, especailly in Italy
Vivaldi Meeting at which the Roman Catholic Church decided that art should appeal to the illiterate and uneducated
Jean-Baptiste Lully A type of contrapuntal composition or technique of composition for a fixed number of parts
Henry Purcell A form of classical and dramatic work in which singers convey the drama
Curt Sachs Performed by a small number of performers with one performer to a part
Venice A group of academics who met informally in Florence in the palace of Count Giovanni De'Bardi to discuss arts, as well as sciences

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