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Ancient Mythology

Tom Hautamaki

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mountida Vikings wanted to die with a _____ in hand
viking Last name of Arthurs father
horse a creature that lured sailors to death with thier sweet singing.
merlin Who came uo with the idea of the Trojan Horse?
aphrodite what did Hector and achilles know was going to happen to them
dragon Where is a place Troy is possibly located
hecuba god of the water
odysseus what was odysseus disguised as
achilles Where did Achilles want to die?
nine king of the gods
thousand which goddess was chosen by Paris
pedler name a secondary hero in the was of Troy
theseus We get Wednesday from this god
death what is Simois
helen who was the fairest woman in the land
blood Arthur's head warrior
lancelot Who wrote the Iliad?
athena Where did Zeus tell the feuding goddeses to go in the iliad
maiden Where was Odysseus King
menalaus We get Thursday from this god.
Ethiopia Arthur's Castle
grail Odysseus's latin name
ithica Goddess of marriage
zeus Who was Imphigenia to marry?
odin The Viking Version of Heaven
troy who judged the 3 godesses
telemachus Son of Odysseus
sword Indiana Jones was searching for the Holy _____
lycomedes the medusa's glare turned you into _____
mediterranian how many years before christ was the trojan war?
homer True or false: Arthur pulled Excalibur from the stone.
thor Who was the king of Troy?
chryseis the medusa's_____ turned you back after you became stone.
valhalla Who was Arthurs Mentor?
ajax wooden _____ that the warriors used to attack the Trojans.
turkey Troy was located in the eastern
thousand Who convinced Pardaeus to fire the arrow?
goldenapple What did Paris give to Aphrodite? 2 words, no space
Siren The _____ were blood-thirsty warriors of England and Ireland
False Who was Agamemnon's brother
perseus for how many years did victory waver in the Trojan war.
priam how many ships carried the Greeks to Troy?
posiedon what was the name of the trojan queen in the iliad
paris Who came between Achilles and Agamemnon
stone what hero did to criminals as they did to victims.
horus What was Troy to sacrafice?
hera What country supposedly has the ark of the covenant?
camalot hero that killed the medusa
ulysses an egyptian god, 5 letters
river who killed Theseus

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