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Pan Who was the lord of the underworld?
Poseidon What kind of animal leg did Corydon have?
hydra What kind of monster was Lady Nagaina?
Persephone Who was the immortal gorgon who liked to eat?
Pirithoos Where did the pirates take Corydon after they captured him?
Perseus What was the item the book revolved around?
underworld Who was Theseus's best friend?
circus What is the Greek word for blood?
Hera Who was the god of sea and earthquakes?
Medusa Who was the god of wine, parties and drama?
Sethenno Who was born out of Zeus's head?
Athene Who was the goddess of hunting?
Gorgoliskos Who is the author of this puzzle?
sandals Who was the daugher of Zeus?
Zeus What is the Greek word for gorgon?
Minotaur Who was the metal giant?
Kronos Who was the true father of Perseus?
monsters What winged gift did Hermes give to Perseus?
Lamia What is the Greek word for making?
Odysseus Who was brought to life as a plant?
hiala Who went to the underworld with Corydon first?
Corydon Who was the only monster to be killed by Talos?
Menelaus What clever hero did Athena admire?
twelve How many fingers did Medusa's child have?
Cerberos Who is the fastest and most beautiful of all the heroes?
Harpy Who won the war?
Talos Who did Corydon to to for knowledge of the staff first?
Demeter Who was the immortal gorgon who maps stars?
Jacob Who is the Athenian king who killed the Minotaur?
Akhilleus Who was the king of Sparta?
goat What is the son of Medusa's name?
Hermes Who guards the underworld?
poesis Who was the only mortal gorgon?
shepherd Who was the god of trade and theft?
Theseus What type of monster was the snake girl?
Artimis Who was the main character?
staff What was Corydon before he was captured by the pirates?
Euryal What color did the staff glow?
Nemean-Lion Who cried when he accidentally killed a man?
Dionysos Who fed Medusa's child after Perseus stole him?
gorgo Where did the staff originate?
red Who's library did Corydon visit when trying to learn about the staff?
Sphinx Who was the leader of the heroes?
Hades Who is Corydon's real father?

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