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Albert Einstein

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Germany According to Einstein, the only source of knowledge is _______.
pacifismzionism Age at which Einstein began to talk.
violin Uncertainty _______.
Berlin Location of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics.
motion When _______ came to power, Einstein left Germany for the United States.
Hitler Einstein's chief early patron was _______ _______.
constant Brownian _______.
Mileva "God does not _______ _______ with the world."
Roosevelt President _______ receieved a letter concerning the possible development of an atomic bomb.
field Einstein received his doctorate from the University of _______.
Ulm Instrument played by Einstein.
experience Einstein was born in this country.
three Einstein won the _______ Prize in Physics in 1921.
Munich First name of Einstein's first wife.
theory Planck's _______.
playdice "On the _______ of Moving Bodies," Einstein's third major paper.
photon Unified _______ theory.
Nobel Quantum _______.
Maxplanck A light particle is called a _______.
Principle City where Einstein spent much of his youth.
Zurich Einstein supported two social movements, _______ and _______.
Electrodynamics City of Einstein's birth.

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