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Forces and Motion

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Gravity 4WDs tip more easily because their centre of mass is __________
Mass When an insulator is charged by rubbing, it loses/gains these
Bodies The force which allows objects to deform and bounce back to original shape
Magnetic The opposite force to drag
Shape Forces can change the sh_________ of an object
Stationary Force that acts over a distance between two opposite poles
Speed The mass of a substance per cubic metre
Elastic Instrument used to measure length
Cohesive To indicate one force is bigger than another, draw the arrow _____________
Airresistance Measured in seconds, minutes or hours
Forcemeter If an object loses electrons, its overall charge becomes ____________
Pressure Symbolised by the letter m, units g or kg
Ruler The force caused by the combination of mass and gravity
Weight The law of falling _____________
Density Calculated by force/area
Positive Instument used to measure force
Centre The change in speed over time
Repel The force that acts on anything with mass
acceleration Forces can change the s________ of an object
Electrons The force between particles that allows us to stand on the ground
Time Forces can change the d_____________ of an object
Thumb Any two objects fall at the rate in the absence of A___ ________________
Friction Part of the body that was used to measure an inch
Larger the _____________ of mass is the point where the objects mass is balanced
Thrust Calculated by d/t
Higher Force that occurs when two substances rub past each other
Speed A horizontal flat line on a distance-time graph means the object is _____________
Direction What "like" poles do to each other
Static The force that acts on charged particles

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