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Psychology Crossword

Jonathan Sarver

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fixed ratio schedule schedule in which reinforcement occurs after a desired act is preformed following a variable amount of time
positive reinforcement the process of weakening a response by following it with unpleasant consequences
observational learning a behavior that spreads for one situation to another one
shaping schedule in which reinforcement occurs after a desired act is preformed a fixed number of times
chaining anything that elicits a response
strategies reinforcing the connection between actions in a sequence
variable interval schedule the sudden reapearence of an extinguished response
response methods for solving problems
latent learning a mental image of where one is located in space
generalization a form of social learning in which an organism observes and imitates the behavior of others
extinction reinforcement that involves strengthening of a response by following it with the addition of something pleasant
stimulus learning that is not obvious but goes under the surface
fixed interval schedule beliefs about our ability to preform an action and recieve a reward
cognitive map schedule in which reinforcement occurs after a desired act is preformed following a fixed amount of time
social learning something that follows a response and strengthens the tendancy to repeat that response
variable ratio schedule the gradual loss of an association over time
expectancies schedule in which reinforcement occurs after a desired act is preformed a particular but variable number of times
negative reinforcement reinforcement that involves strengthening of a response by following it with the removal of something unpleasant
punishment all learning that occurs in a social situation
spontaneous recovery the process of gradually refining a response by successively reinforcing closer approximations of it
reinforcement a reaction to a type of stimulus

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