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CPO Foundations Phys Sci Chtr 1--5

N. Brown

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zero when moving objects slide over each other, some kinetic energy is converted to this form of energy; also called thermal energy
conservation of momentum the sum of all forces acting on an object
milli type of stored energy; equals mass times gravity times height; increases with the height of an object
work an experiment in which tests of a hypothesis are identical except for changes in a single independent variable
meter variable that the experimenter manipulates during an experiment; usually graphed on the x axis
energy rate of change in velocity; acceleration occurs if either speed or direction change
first a push or a pull
inverse always less than 100% due to friction; equals 100% times output Work/input work
power the slope of a graph having distance on the y axis and time on the x axis
net force a force exerted as objects move against each other, due to sticking of surfaces together; acts in a direction that opposes motion
Newton multiplication of force by a simple machine; MA; equals output force divided by input force
controlled metric unit of measure for length
deceleration metric prefix showing that 1/100 units are present; for example, 1 cm = 1/100m
independent type of graphical relationship showing one value increasing as the other is decreasing
fulcrum unit of work or energy; a force of 1 N exerted over a distance of 1 m; 1 Nm
joule acceleration when speed is constant and direction is constant
second Newton's law stating that objects remain at rest unless acted on by unbalanced forces
friction metric unit of measure for mass
nine a tests of a hypothesis
kinetic the ability to do work (to make a mass move)
weight watts; the rate at which energy is used; work/time
average speed Newton's law stating that forces act in pairs of equal size but opposite direction
kilogram unit describing power; equals use of 1 Joule of energy in 1 s
g symbol p; p=mv
mechanical advantage multiple by which kinetic energy increases if speed increases three times
slope term for negative acceleration
liter metric unit of measurement for volume
third rotating (balancing) point for a lever
input arm graphical relationship showing both x and y values increasing or decreasing simultaneously
efficiency sum of potential
intertia the side of a lever that a person exerts force upon
force equals the mass of object times g; the force gravity exerts on a mass; changes if g changes
horsepower metrix prefix showing that 1000 units are present; for example, 1 km = 1000m
centi distance divided by time; direction is indicated by a or - sign; if direction isn't described, then the value is termed speed
mass equals 746 watts
potential Newton's law stating that F=ma
hypothesis force X distance; measured in Newton-meters or Joules
total type of energy causing motion
heat an educated guess which is either supported or not when conclusions are drawn
watt how much matter an object contains; measured in g or kg; constant anywhere in the universe
velocity law stating that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be converted from form to form
acceleration property of matter increasing with mass
conservation of energy acceleration due to gravity; 9.8 m/s/s on earth
dependent when objects collide, the sum of their momentums (p) before
constant metric prefix showing that 1/1000 units are present; for example, 1mm = 1/1000 m
experiment description of velocity when a distance/time graph is a straight line
direct unit of F; equivalent to 4.48 lbs; equals 1 kg m/s/s
momentum rise over run; (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)
kilo the variable that changes as a result of the manipulations in the independent variable; usually graphed on the y axis

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