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Forensic Toxicology

Sarah, Ashley, and Amber

This is our list of Chapter 10 vocab. Enjoy our crossword!!! :D

forensic toxicology A compound capable of donating a hydrogen ion, (H ) to another compound
blood The Detection and isolation of drugs in the body
hemoglobin passage of alcohol across the wall of the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream
catalyst Accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction
vein The combination of oxygen with other substances to produce new products.
alveoli Person experiencing the _____ is usually unaware and unable to stop or control it
gas A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.
urine Also known as field sobriety tests
metabolize Elimination of alcohol from the body
primary advantage a legal, over the counter drug. The most heavily abused drug in Western countries
ecretion Accomplished with oxidation and excretion
anticoagulant A substance that prevents coagulation or clotting of a sample of blood
thirty four The ability to detect small concentrations of drugs in body fluids and organs.
Max blood alcohol concentration Combines with oxygen and is transported to the entire body.
base ____ Chromatography is used by the toxicologist for determining alcohol levels in the blood
preliminary Small sacs in the lungs
breathalyzer this may not be reached until 2 or 3 hours after the time of consumption
elimination The temperature at which breath leaves the mouth
fuel cell Heroin for example, almost immediately metabolizes to _______ upon entering the bloodstream.
pulmonary Drugs (most at least) are either an Acid or a ____ and fall somewhere on that 0 to 14 scale
ethyl alcohol Tiny blood vessels.
nystagmus The more _____ the person is, the less the eye has to move toward the side before jerking or nystagmus begins
acid A device for collecting and measuring the alcohol content of alveolar breath
capillary A director in which chemical reactions were used to produce electricity.
preservative Transforming a chemical in the body to another chemical for the purpose of facilitating its elimination from the body
absorption A substance that stops the growth of microorganisms in the blood.
morphine A blood vessel that transports blood to the heart.
oxidation Vitreous humor and ____ generally DO NOT suffer postmortem ethyl alcohol production to any significant extent
intoxicated This provides the medium for circulating alcohol through the body thus carrying it to ALL tissues including the brain
artery A breath test reflects the alcohol concentration in what artery?

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