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Life Science Vocabulary

Theresa Rosa

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trait an animal that eats both plants and animals
photosynthesis a feature of an organism
carnivore a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
Nitrogen cycle the path of energy in an ecosystem
pupa the environment in which an animal or plant lives
larva an organism in the food chain that breaks down the remains of dead organisms
population no longer living
prey stages of development an organism goes through as it grows and develops
life cycle the process by which organisms produce offspring and ensure survival of a species
food web a series of overlapping food chains
producer the cycle in which nitrogen gas is changed into forms of nitrogen that plants can use
food chain an area where living organisms interact with each other and nonliving things in the environment
omnivore a group of one type of an organism that can mate and produce offspring
habitat carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle
ecosystem any material that an organism needs for survival
resouce an animal that hunts down other animals
adaptation traits passed from parent to offspring
acquired traits the number of organisms of a prticular species in a community
decomposer an animal that is hunted down and eaten by other animals
camouflage the role or job ofan organism in an ecosystem
reproduction an organism, such as a plant, that can make its own food
learned behavior a physical adaptation in which animals blend with or are hidden by the environment
metamorphosis actions that develop as an organism interacts with the environment
inherited trait an animal that only eats other animals
predator characteristics that develop as an organism interacts with its environment
species the chyrsalis stage of a butterfly
extinct changes in shape and form some organisms go through durng their life cycles
niche worm like stage in the life cycle of an insect

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