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Science Challenge Crossword Puzzle Competition 2005


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COMPUTER TOMOGRAPHY Swollen __________ is one of the key symptoms and sometime one will complain about him/her having "Pain in the neck". It is seen as a Sign in which is commonly caused by bacterial/viral infections.
FIBER-OPTIC ENDOSCOPE ___________ is a medical device that serves similar purpose such as an ultrasound to monitor the growth and etc of the fetus during pregnancy.
LIVER There is no _____ "receptor" in the brain.
LACTOBACILLUS Computerized__________ (CT) scan is a formed of conventional biomedical diagnostic tool.
COVALENT BONDING A method such as ___________ has been used for more than a decade to help couples facing problems reading infertility.
BIFIDOBACTERIUM Biggest Organ in your body
NICOTINE Nurses need to ensure that they press the plunger and small amount of content in barrel gushes out of the syringe to prevent __________ before injecting the patient.
TRANSAMINATION I work like any blood type. I am welcome by any "body" but not the rest (Other blood type).
LYMPH NODES ________ is a type of drug used in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson Disease
LEVODOPA It is a drug that plays similar role of a "Panadol" and make the blood "thinner" which is usually taken by patient who suffers from heart disease.
MOLECULAR How many type/s of "system" are there in our body have?
PUFFER It is a organ that plays in a major role in regulation of body temperature
POLYHEME __________ can be one of trigger of an allergic reaction such as hay fever
EMBOLISM ___________ is common medical device used to revive patients/casualty who suffers from cardiac arrest.
ASPIRIN __________ is required to convert essential amino acids into other non-essential amino acids for the body
PAIN What is the known strongest bond in biological beings?
VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION Japanese loved to have me as their meals but I can help in other ways such study of genetic diseases rather than just plain "digestion".
ANTIBODIES Surprisingly, _______ as one of the cancer-causing agent for lung cancer yet it helps to prevent Parkinson disease.
NORMAL FLORA B. Name 1 type of probiotics used and mass produced in the industry
TEN What is commonly seen in a person experiencing a serious allergic reaction?
ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK If you happen to find someone that gives you a "fruity" smell, what is the most possible disease which he/she might suffer from?
DIABETES MELLITUS In the past, diseases are analyzed/studied/treated at a very "Macro" level but due to breakthroughs such as Human genome project and etc. Now most of the disease causing agent or disease as a whole's ___________ mechanism is also very intensive studied for better treatment/cure.
IN VITRO FERTILIZATION Doctors use such bio medical device is to analyze the activity of heart
ELECTROCRADIOGRAM A. Name 1 type of probiotics used and mass produced in the industry
SKIN ___________ is the part of the Nonspecific Resistance of our body's Immune that prevent pathogens from colonizing our body by various means such competition of nutrients and etc.

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