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Science Review

William Hempy

No description

Groundwater Sediment pulled along the bottom of a river
Permeability This seperates one from another(high land)
Erosion The area below the water table.
Zoneofaeration A layer of permeable rock with transmits water to the zone of saturation.
Aquafer The ability for water to pass through a material
Levees A dot on a map used to show specific elevation.
Spotelevation The breakup of rocks by physical forces
Zoneofsaturation A line that it used to show elevation
Divide top of the reigon that is saturated or completely filled with water is called this.
Watershed The breakup and transport of earths materials by natural causes
Meanders The amount of space between materials.
Mechanicalweathering A broad river curve which forms a flood plain.
Porosity The area above the water table.
Well Elevated ridges along the river bank.
Bedload A valley floor where a river overflows due to high water.
Oxbowlake A device placed in the ground to draw water up to the surface.
Watertable A former meander seperate from the river
Floodplain Land that runs into a river
Impermeable A substance that is this cannot have water pass through it.
Contourline Water held underground

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