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Becoming a Webelos

Mrs. Merrill

Completing this puzzle will help you get ready to be a Boy Scout.

goal do your best to live up to the Scout____
friendship this badge shows you are on the trail that leads from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting
false when you have finished using a fire check to be sure it is _________.
sign true or false: you may wear your uniform when you participate in a political demonstration
slogan shown by the Scout salute.
duty scout motto
help this means you are always ready to do your duty and to face danger, if necessary, to help others
be prepared a responsibility you have to be a good family member and citizen
awake each point in the Scout Law is a ___ for every Scout.
cold-out use this hand to make the Scout handshake
respect giving aid to other people you prove yourself a Scout
good turn it is good to practice this when outdoors
scout motto this is an extra act of kindness you go out of your way to do
strong another word to describe the way to treat public and private property with respect
webelos keeping yourself physically ____ means taking good care of your body
service a code to follow when outside
left you give this each time you recite the Scout Oath and Law
twelve wear your uniform to all of these projects which help people
considerate In the Scout sign, your thumb and little finger touch to represent the bond that unites Scouts throughout the ________.
uniform the Scout handshake is offered as a token of _______.
world stash your _____ in the appropriate receptacle when outdoors
straight number of points in the Scout Law
trash live your life with homesty and be clean in your speech and actions to be morally _____
conservation the scout _______ is "Do a Good Turn daily."
outdoor if you learn all you can, are curious and ask questions you will stay mentally _____
law Consists of a Webelos neckerchief and a blue or tan shirt

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