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The names of disney characters


This puzzle is for all disney and puzzle lovers!Let us test your disney knowledge...

Pinnachio Beauty and the _____
Mufasa The chinese lady who impersonates as a man
alice Whenever he lies, his nose grows longer
Ariel This dog shares its name with a celestial body
Abu Aladdin's monkey friend
Faline Simba's father
Baloo one hundred and one __________
dalmations This was made into a chariot for Cinderella
Pixie _____ in wonderland
Hook The little mermaid's name
Rapunzel Winnie's friend Tiger is called so...
Pumpkin Bambi's childhood friend and mate
Tigger Sleeping beauty's name in the disney movie
Flounder Sleeping beauty gets a curse that she'll die by the prick of a _______
spindle The Disney princess who is as white as snow, as red as blood and as black as ebony
Mickey Princess with long hair
Scrooge Mowgli's bear friend
Snowwhite The uncle in the duck tales series
Mulan Fairy dust that can help you fly
Aurora Baloo's profession in the series TaleSpin
Beast The mouse character voiced by Walt Disney
Pilot Little Mermaid's best friend
Pluto The wicked captain who plots against Peter Pan

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