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Forestry Management


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shrinkage boards of thin layers of wood glued together
root a unit of land measurement-43,560 square feet, or 10 square chains, or a square that is 208.7 feet on each side
lumber forest that have never been harvested
logger the art of producing and tending a forest; the theory and practice of controlling forest establishment, composition, and growth
pulpwood the change in dimensions of a piece of wood as it reacts to changes in weather, humidity, and/or temperature
annualrings anyone who is engaged in a logging operation
forestry thin sheet of wood glued to a cheaper species of wood and used in paneling and furniture making
timberland living cells, sometimes called inner bark, that carries food made in the leaves down to the branches, stems, and roots
clearcut trees that do not shed their leaves on a yearly basis
grain the inactive dead core of a tree that gives the tree strength and support and rigidity
photosynthesis the upper portion of a tree that contains branches and foliage
xylem fires burning out of control
plywood land that is at least 10 percent stocked by forest trees of any size
evergreen the generative tissue of the inner bark between the xylem and phloem that gives a tree its annual rings
boardfoot the main root of a tree that grows downward
tree measurement of lumber that is 1"x12"x12"
deciduous the care and management of trees for ornamental purposes
veneer the living portion of a tree that carries nutrients up from the roots to the leaves
stem evergreen trees that have needle-like leaves and produce lumber called softwood
seedlings the light-colored wood that helps carry water and minerals to the crown
silviculture the growth layer of 1 year, as viewed on the cross-section of a tree
taproot middle section of a tree that provides strength and support and conducts the flow of water and nutrients; often referred to a the trunk
sapwood an area where the entire timber stand is/has been cut
forester the level of difficulty in cutting, shaping, nailing, and finishing the wood
kerf the width of cut made by a saw
arboriculture a white oak tree growing in a man-planted white pine plantation
warp trees that shed their leaves every year
conifers to cut and deliver logs; tree segment suitable for lumber and is usually 8 to 16 feet in length
virginforest a woody perennial plant
log one of the botanical group of trees that generally have needle-shaped leaves
dbh wood in a state of decay
sawmill a small, privately-owned forest
cambium one of the botanical group of trees that generally have broad leaves in contrast to the needle-bearing conifers
wildfires a production plant that saws logs into saleable products
easeofworking the direction, size, arrangement, appearance, or quality of the fibers in wood
softwood boards that are sawed from trees
crown the management of forest
phloem process where plants make their own food in the leaves by converting water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight into carbohydrates (sugars and staches)
woodlot young trees grown from seed; smaller than samplings
hardness stunted trees or shrubs, often found in a dense stand
forest wood used for making fiber for paper, fiberboard, or other similar products
scrub the wood's resistance to compression; determines how well the wood wears
heartwood the tendancy of wood to bend permanently due to moisture change
acre a major part of the tree that anchors the tree to the ground and also collects minerals and water from the soil
forestland complex association of trees, shrubs, and plants as well as animals
weed a person who manages and studies forest
rot forest land that is capable of producing in excess of 20 cubic feet per acre per year of industrial wood
hardwood abbreviation for diameter at breast height, which is normally 4 1/2 feet above normal ground level

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