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Nursing Informatics

Jose A. Nazario

Review for 1st Nurse informatics test

Feature Creep Uncontrolled addition of features or functions without regard of time lines or budget.
Extranet Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Training Environment Unscheduled downtime
Firewall Process by which an orgaanization contracts with outside agencies fro services. CUT COSTS
Operating System Network outside company system for use by customers or suppliers
HIPAA Process that uses mathematical formulas to code messages when content needs to be secured
Backloading information already in old system, important consideration
URL Requets for Proposal. Detailed book . Time Frame.
Outsourcing Separate copy of software that mimics the actual system that will be used
Maintenance Uniform Resource Locator
Intranet Request for Information. Do you have what I want?
Strategic Planning Gateway designed to protect private network resources from outside hackers
Breakdown collection of programs that manage all of the computers activities
Application Software Health Level 7- Org involved in the development of international healthcare standards. Also a language.
RFP Scheduled downtime
Testing Environment Private company networks that are protected from outside access
Production Environment Development of comprehensive, long-range plan for guiding the activities
GUI patterns
RFI Graphical User Interface
Data Mining Set of programs designed to accomplish a particular task such as word processing
Scope Creep See if its works. Software changes are made
HL-7 Unexpected
Encryption Missing phrase2 - 13

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