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User listed puzzles

This is a listing of puzzles that people have asked to be listed. There is no quality control over what sort of puzzles are listed here, so beware. If people use this feature nicely, this may be a place to get crossword puzzles that others have done.

You can also look at a collection of particularly interesting crossword puzzles that have been saved in this category.


Title of puzzle Author Date Score Views
14. käänetKarin Ploomipuu 7 Mar 2019 04:25:531106
6. klassi loodusõpetusOliver Mõttus25 May 2015 03:26:55 Estonian1551
[no title][no author]27 May 2024 22:35:39149
Eesti JärvedKarl-Gabriel Hiie26 Jan 2011 11:22:202300
Eesti jõedUrmo :P16 Feb 2011 01:40:14 Estonian2251
Eesti kaitsealad[no author] 2 Dec 2015 22:46:02 Estonian1723
Eesti loodusMadis Laaneoks27 Oct 2019 00:33:15 Estonian913
Eesti toidukultuurMerle 6 May 2015 02:30:13 Estonian1565
ElvaKert Kõiv22 Nov 2012 08:43:43 Estonian2031
Inglise keelIngliskeelsed sõnad!26 Sep 2012 12:37:24 Estonian2015
käänete ning nendele vastavate küsimuste harjutamineKerli Pärna 9 Mar 2019 23:06:231113
LoodusõpetusLaura-Maria Mats 1 Feb 2012 02:34:55 Estonian2134
Matemaatika 8. klassileAnu28 May 2014 10:36:37 Estonian2484
Mets 6. klassSigne Lensment 8 Nov 2011 04:59:45 Estonian3457
rrainetRainet Kriis13 Mar 2012 05:14:132083
Sõnade seletamineMerle Lepik 4 Apr 2011 04:26:45 Estonian2215
Taju, tähelepanu, õppimine.[no author] 4 Feb 2013 07:53:56 Estonian2053
ThIs Is SpArTa!!!! LOLHiinlane16 Mar 2012 02:23:41 Estonian2225
tund 12õpetaja 1 Oct 2016 10:17:451622
UNIT 9/10Markus Bachmann 3 Dec 2013 03:24:471704
VANASÕNADlivia17 Aug 2010 08:07:13 Estonian2391
vaoibuhvaioibuh13 Mar 2012 05:18:262445
Võõrsõnad - B sõna algulKoostanud: õpetaja Merilin Lepik (2015) 8 Apr 2015 19:56:21 Estonian1865
Winn-DixiePariya26 Apr 2014 22:32:29 Banting 1231672
ЭстонияSirly 1 May 2018 08:01:221269


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